
Mostrando entradas de 2020

Toto Africa 2020 Covid-19


José Rey

Flamenco pop producido con sonidos de música electrónica y voces mezcladas y graduadas con ecualización digital  


 Música desarrollada desde la electrónica y la orquesta clásica.

Casa de melodía

Letra de la Canción "La casa de melodía" La casa de melodía tiene una puerta muy especial Cinco líneas, cuatro espacios Y una llave para entrar.


Alan Turing, a math teacher, was responsible for resolving the encrypted messages of the Nazi army. His team of analysts organized the greatest programming success developed by mankind thanks to the team of developers. His perseverance and work were as consistent as his loneliness and heartbreak, his emotional emotional life and the rapid disappearance of the person he loved were decisive for his fixation by the development of the first computer intelligence machine that saved the lives of millions of people who then judged his homosexuality with contempt. The first computers are the product of their work and, like other great companies of mankind, they have remained anonymous, perhaps to prevent their lives from ceasing to be normal, if they could ever be. Discovering the encrypted messages of the German Nazi armies helped and resolved the Second World War in favor of the Allies and in favor of Peace. The soldiers who died to discover the deciphered formula of Enigma, are the heroes...

Nada sabes de mí
